• Students are expected to come to school in neat and proper prescribed school uniforms.
  • Students have to report to school every day at least ten minutes before the prescribed school time. Students who come late will not be allowed to attend classes. Students may be sent back to home.
  • Students must be regular and punctual in attendance. A student’s attendance must not be less than 80% in order to sit in the Annual Examination of the class.
  • During any tests or term examinations, No leave of absence will be granted except under very special circumstances. A certificate from the registered medical practitioner must support requests for leave on medical grounds.
  • On rejoining school Absentees must submit a letter from their parents or guardians explaining the cause of absent supporting medical certificate in case of illness.
  • If an appointment is made with a doctor, the child must not be sent to school on that day.
  • Parents and guardians are NOT allowed to see their wards during School hours.
  • In the case of heavy rain, parents/guardians are not expected to ask on the telephone if there is a holiday. The school will function normally for the students who will be present.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school campus during school hours. If there is urgency, the Principal’s permission should be sought in such cases.
  • Diaries, test copies and report cards are to be duly signed by the parents and returned on next day.
  • No student is allowed to bring cash or valuable items to the school. The school will not be responsible for any such losses.
  • Students are not allowed to come by 2 wheeler motor vehicle if they are not eligible as per the Government norms.
  • Students causing damage to any school property shall be penalized or fine may be imposed for the same.
  • In cases of indiscipline and irregularity the School has the right to suspend or rusticate a student. No correspondence or discussion will be entertained in such cases. If any students found doing any of the following things such as non cooperation or misbehave towards school authorities/faculties/staff, smoking or taking any tobacco products, drinking, stealing, spitting or writing on the walls, any act of violence or abuse, reading obscene materials, bringing or using mobile phones on campus, vandalism or willful destruction of any school property. He or she can be spelled out from the school. Any act of indiscipline would be severely dealt with and no correspondence or discussion will be entertained in this regards.
  • The school provides various sports activities on campus.  Though full care is taken to ensure the well-being and safety of all students, yet in case of any physical injury or fatal injury, the school will not be responsible in any manner. 
  • All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Lucknow.